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A total of 14 reviews for have been written yet. The most recent reviews are listed below.

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Adom tv Live
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, New York, 1 review

The website is designed nicely, however the content is dangerous and misleading. Under their FAQ section, they claim to not practice shunning.

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(5 of 5 points)
wrote 8 years ago
Gujranwala, 2 reviews

very nice website. The website is designed nicely, however the content is dangerous and misleading. Under their FAQ section, they claim to not practice shunning. That is blatantly false.
To anyone wondering about JWs, stay far away from this cult.

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 9 years ago
USA, Newburgh, 1 review

I served at the Bethel Headquarters for years and became severely hurt. It was only then that I learned that Bethelites do not have health insurance. I was very saddened to learn the dark side of religion and it opened my eyes TTATT. The so called Brothers dug in there hills and completely misrepresented the truth regarding my situation. They never bothered to mention upfront how Religious Orders do not have workmans comp or health insurance. They simply encouraged me to go seek help elsewhere. I kept pleading and listening for the voice of the Christ and it never came. They totally turned their back on me because their primary concern was the almighty dollar. I will never be a part of a religion that does not practice what they preach. I feel so bad for all the people that mindlessly follow religions without doing their homework. After the flop of 1914, 1915, 607 B.C.E, 1975 failed prediction of the end of the world. They have constantly rewritten the book to retain the masses and keep the money coming. When I first embraced the faith, I never thought they would make up the truth as they go. It behooves me how they cover up failed truths and cover up with the "light keeps getting brighter". It would be so much better if they simply said, we don't know. They so easily profess to be lead by Jehovah's Holy Spirit - however, look at all the sexual abuse cases that are online and in the courts. They tell the masses the end is near and donate your money to - however, they keep building huge compounds. They encourage friends to refuse blood transfusions, however, their belief system regarding that goes back and forth. In the interim, people lose their lives. It is such a shame the way these religions dramatically affect people lives. They promote being no part of the world, when they in turn - use the world to the full. The founding of the religion should be thoroughly researched, especially how he started the faith. Charles T Russell makes a good research project, examine if its true that he is buried under a pyramid headstone. Was he really a Seventh Day Aventist? Is that why both religions are very much similar? Was he a high ranking mason, if so, would that explain some of the terms they use, society, brotherhood, etc. Independent research goes along way in making the best decisions in life.

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Ernie Zenone, Sr.
Ernie Zenone, Sr. writes 8 years ago

We need to feel free to check what any Bible teacher says with the Bible. We can trust leaders more than the Bible! This is true of Jehovah's Witnesses or of any church or group. Yet we can find a fellowship that is not abusive in controlling us. The problem is that many in JW's or other abusive churches are afraid to leave. Loss of friends, family, reputation makes people stay. Faith in Christ delivers us from bondage to fear.Our relationship is based on Him. Sadly, we can see our relationship is really based on the group, not in Jesus!

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 9 years ago
USA, 1 review

The website is designed nicely, however the content is dangerous and misleading. Under their FAQ section, they claim to not practice shunning. That is blatantly false.
To anyone wondering about JWs, stay far away from this cult.

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 9 years ago
USA, 1 review

Some might argue that trying to coerce children as young as 10 into altering their lives forever by dedicating their life to this organization through baptism isn't really safe for children.

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(4 of 5 points)
wrote 9 years ago
USA, Park Hill, 1 review

two JW's have been coming to my house for about 4 yrs now. Ray and Sonja, they are without a doubt the best thing that has happened in my life and consider them friends. I know more about the bible now than i ever have. I was wonderng tho,is there a page on here where you can chat with other friends of the faith?

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Josephine B.Agudo
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 10 years ago
Macao, 1 review

I am the one who believe in Jehovah for now, but before i don't want to listened to them and i call them witnesses of satan, jehovah's name is not true because only JESUS I KNOW,Jw allow to everyone to use their own bible that the time I hugging them, I use my king James..
I love Jehovah from the bottom of my heart.. And I'm looking forward to be one of them soon... Praise to Jah for touching my heart. Trough His Son Jesus Christ..

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(5 of 5 points)
wrote 10 years ago
USA, Duluth, 1 review

This website has a wealth of information for those who do not have much access to the true knowledge about the bible.

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(5 of 5 points)
wrote 10 years ago
USA, Troy, 1 review

The site is not only family friendly as some stated, it is informative. There is a section for parents, teenagers, and children. The personal stories are interesting or how violent thugs, mafia members, scientists atheists, and people of other religions left their way of life and became JW's. You are bound to find something inspiring and uplifting on this site.

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Trudy-ann Dunkley
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 10 years ago
Mandeville, 1 review

The Jehovah Witnesses are the best set of people i have ever come around

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Esmeralda S.
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 10 years ago
USA, 1 review

Very informative and convenient, fun and safe for all ages!

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(5 of 5 points)
wrote 10 years ago
USA, Brandenburg, 1 review

I do love and respect the Jehovah Witnesses for their clean living and sincere desire to help others. If they did not care about others-they would not spend their time, energy and money volunteering to share the Bible information. Each and every person is different and for someone to come to a home unannounced is a challenge. Hopefully someday, their assignments will be completed.

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Rodney Thomas
(3 of 5 points)
wrote 11 years ago
USA, San Jose, 1 review

Greetings. I had 3 JW's come to my home for study. I highly expected to have a healthy exchange of spiritual ideas. I was surprised to find the 3 not permitting true use of my KJV and other translations. Instead my bible was ignored and the JW translation (highly manipulated and altered from other translations) was only referenced. This is a huge change from years past when the JW' s were opened to evangelizing and sharing their faith from my own bible. I was also disappointed at the lack of knowledge the 3 had of basic Bible principles. When brought up the 3 simply said that what I was reading was not what I was reading. I have since sought to pray for the many well intentioned but highly misled members of your Faith. I will use whatever resources Yehovah has provided me to rescue truth seeking JW' s from your satanically based religion. Above all, I pray for them to receive the Truth and leave your organization.

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Comments on this review

piromansky writes 10 years ago

hello dear, the truth is always so bitter especially when we humans tend to be proud in our actions especially our thought. I want you Mr Thomas to return back into your snail like shell in the form of humbleness and start by re examining the various bible versions and pray also to Jehoveh to give you that spirit to know the truth.

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Darb writes 10 years ago

Rodney, install the JW Library app, downloadable from the same web site. You will find five bible translations contained in it, including King James Version (KJV). Jehovah's Witnesses ARE more than willing to discuss the bible using other translations. Their own app contains other popular translations beyond their own NWT.

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Deborah best
Deborah best writes 9 years ago

Rodney Rodney. If j.w haven't got the truth.can u tell me then? Ur praying for them to find out what? What do u say is Gods purpose for the earth and humankind and why are we in such a mess? If u can give me a more credible answers than j.w maybe I'd take u seriously....I'm waiting with baited breath!

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JK writes 9 years ago

Wow this is how JWs react to people that disagree with them? You pretty much just proved Rodney's point.

(I'm referring to piromansy and Deborah best)

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RJimenez writes 8 years ago

Rodney is wrong. I was Bible studied and became a JW through the use of KJV. Although the NWT was already available then, it was not available in our language (Tagalog). Now it is readily available in different languages, we, as an organized people use what is ours-the best Bible tranlation the NWT.

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John Butler
John Butler writes 8 years ago

Well as one of Jehovah's Witnesses i quite often use different translations online. The King James Bible is online and so is a Catholic Greek scriptures. It's good to compare because not many people outside of the Organisation have NWT. And please please remember Jehovah's Witnesses serve Jehovah God, not the organisation. The organisation is just a vehicle to help us reach the goal of serving Jehovah.

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paul writes 7 years ago

Please compare different versions and tell me how the NWT comes to their translation? One amongst many examples of the JW translation blatantly being manipulated in favor of their beliefs.

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 11 years ago
USA, Darlington, 1 review

The JW's are once again trying to force their religion(?) on people that do NOT want a thing to do with them- I live in a small Minnesota town and I DO NOT appreciate the intrusion on my home and time by the likes of you people!
Know your place and more important understand when someone says " Leave' or "Not interested" simply say good day and leave do not thrust yourselfs upon people that do not want you in their doorways or on their property!

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Esmeqw writes 10 years ago

Just a reminder the rating is for the website not your personal views of their religion.

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Tameisha Thomas
Tameisha Thomas writes 10 years ago

I love these people a lot hence they help me in every step of my life

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Ashley writes 10 years ago

Katie, as you may know we are all imperfect, even Jehovah's Witnesses. i apologize on behalf of my brothers or sisters for causing you so much distress. We are only preaching with urgency as did Noah in his day, because we have love for you and want you to learn the truth about your creator.

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solomon writes 9 years ago

hmmm studying wit jehovahs witnesses is not a force derfore u can chose ur decision but remember dat similar thing happened in noahs dayy

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Deborah best
Deborah best writes 9 years ago

Katie it's quite easy to tell witnesses not to call on u again and u can be put on they're list of do not call addresses. Wer looking for people who want the truth and we find them by calling on everyone. Sometimes people change their minds. U never know if u will. But it's ur choice. We don't force anyone and if we really upset u please request u be put as a do not call.

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Clarence writes 9 years ago

I served at the Bethel Headquarters for years and became severely hurt. It was only then that I learned that Bethelites do not have health insurance. I was very saddened to learn the dark side of religion and it opened my eyes TTATT. The so called Brothers dug in there hills and completely misrepresented the truth regarding my situation. They never bothered to mention upfront how Religious Orders do not have workmans comp or health insurance. They simply encouraged me to go seek help elsewhere. I kept pleading and listening for the voice of the Christ and it never came. They totally turned their back on me because their primary concern was the almighty dollar. I will never be a part of a religion that does not practice what they preach. I feel so bad for all the people that mindlessly follow religions without doing their homework. After the flop of 1914, 1915, 607 B.C.E, 1975 failed prediction of the end of the world. They have constantly rewritten the book to retain the masses and keep the money coming. When I first embraced the faith, I never thought they would make up the truth as they go. It behooves me how they cover up failed truths and cover up with the "light keeps getting brighter". It would be so much better if they simply said, we don't know. They so easily profess to be lead by Jehovah's Holy Spirit - however, look at all the sexual abuse cases that are online and in the courts. They tell the masses the end is near and donate your money to - however, they keep building huge compounds. They encourage friends to refuse blood transfusions, however, their belief system regarding that goes back and forth. In the interim, people lose their lives. It is such a shame the way these religions dramatically affect people lives. They promote being no part of the world, when they in turn - use the world to the full. The founding of the religion should be thoroughly researched, especially how he started the faith. Charles T Russell makes a good research project, examine if its true that he is buried under a pyramid headstone. Was he really a Seventh Day Aventist? Is that why both religions are very much similar? Was he a high ranking mason, if so, would that explain some of the terms they use, society, brotherhood, etc. Independent research goes along way in making the best decisions in life.

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Donald S Ferguson
Donald S Ferguson writes 8 years ago

We are only doing what we are commanded to do by Jesus, to go out and tell, its up to you at the end of the day !

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