You are here: Webwiki > - die freundliche Digitalfoto-Community mit Schwerpunkt Pentax (No review yet)


Language: german

Freundliche und markenoffene Community mit Schwerpunkt auf Pentax-Digitalkameras der Optio-Reihe, des Q-Systems sowie Pentax DSLR-Modelle. Mit Digitalfoto-Forum.

Keywords: Digitalfotonetz Pentax K-Bajonett K-5 K-30 Optio Objektive Dslr Smc da Digitalfoto Forum Chat Fotogalerie Community Bildergalerie Bastelecke Tipps Tricks

Reviews and ratings of

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Content and keywords

The websites creator or author is Christoph Dorschel.

Technical information

The web server used by is located in Germany and run by Neue Medien Muennich GmbH. The server runs exclusively the website

A Apache server hosts the websites of HTML 4.01 Transitional is used as markup language on the webpages. Indexing the data of the website and following hyperlinks on it is explicitly allowed by robot information.

Information about the server of the website

IP address:
Server provider: Neue Medien Muennich GmbH

Technical information about the technology of the website

Webserver software: Apache
Load time: 0.13 seconds (faster than 95 % of all websites)
HTML version:HTML 4.01 Transitional
Robot information:index,follow
Filesize:10.74 KB (302 recognized words in text)

Safety and classification

The website doesn't contain questionable content. It can be used by kids and is safe for work.

Attribute Classification
Google Safebrowsing
Safe for children
Safe for work
Webwiki rating
No ratings
Server location
Trustworthy 85%
Disclaimer: The classification is based on the automatic analysis of public information, ratings and customer reviews. All information is provided without warranty.
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