You are here: Webwiki > - Jalaluddin Travel Haj, Umrah, Muslim Travel Agency (No review yet)


Language: english

Jalaluddin travel has been in the industry providing Singaporeans with the best Haj, Umrah, Muslim Travel Packages. Ensuring customers get the best every time they travel with Jalaluddin

Category: Travel and Tourism

Reviews and ratings of

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Content and keywords


Important and popular websites

Important pages are About Us, Umrah and Umrah Packages. In the following table you'll find the 10 most important pages of

# Description URL of the website
1. About Us /about-us/
2. Um­rah /
3. Um­rah Packa­ges /umrah-packa­ges/
4. Skip to con­tent /#con­tent
5. Our Story /about-us/#our-story
6. Our Team /about-us/#our-team
7. Testimo­nials /about-us/#testimo­nials
8. Hajj Packa­ges /hajj-packa­ges/
9. Ja­nuary /packa­ge-year/2024/#ja­nuary-2024
10. Feb­ruary /packa­ge-year/2024/#feb­ruary-2024

Technical information

The web server used by is run by GOOGLE-2 and located in USA. This web server runs a few other websites, mostly in the english language.

The websites of are served by a Nginx server. The online shop was build with software WooCommerce. The HTML pages were created with the latest standard HTML 5. Both the inclusion of the website in search engines and follwoing of its hyperlinks is explicitly allowed.

Information about the server of the website

IP address:
Server provider: GOOGLE-2
Number of websites:10 - more websites using this IP address
Best-known (little known)
Language distribution:100% of the websites are english

Technical information about the technology of the website

Webserver software: Nginx
Software platform:WP Rocket/3.12.3
Load time: 1.66 seconds (slower than 79 % of all websites)
HTML version:HTML 5
Robot information:follow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
Filesize:572.87 KB (41716 recognized words in text)

Safety and classification

The website doesn't contain questionable content. It can be used by kids and is safe for work.

Attribute Classification
Google Safebrowsing
Safe for children
Safe for work
Webwiki rating
No ratings
Server location
Trustworthy 85%
Disclaimer: The classification is based on the automatic analysis of public information, ratings and customer reviews. All information is provided without warranty.
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